2018 e-Learning Korea - ACU Track

About This Course
You can watch the 2018 e-Learning Korea ACU track lecture through this course.
This course included 5 topics as bellows:
1. Engaging with Universities in the ASEAN Cyber University Project: Lessons Learned from the AUN Experience
2. A Proposal for the Establishment of ASEAN Cyber University (ACU) based on Participatory Development Model between Academia, Industry and Governments
3. Online Education – 25 Years of the Open Universities Australia Experience
4. Online education in policies for higher education development in VietNam
5. The long run impact of MOOCs
Summary of This Course
Engaging with Universities in the ASEAN Cyber University Project: Lessons Learned from the AUN Experienceby Dr. Choltis Dhirathiti(Executive Director, AUN, Thailand)
We cannot let the pre-modern mindset and the 20th century institutional settings dictate how the 21st century students are learning or not learning. The Project ASEAN Cyber University has presented a challenge to HEIs in the ASEAN region, affecting the “normal way” of teaching and learning, on top of the challenges they are already facing, notably the pressure from university ranking, internationalization, socio-economic relevance, and quality improvement.
A Proposal for the Establishment of ASEAN Cyber University(ACU) based on Participatory Development Model between Academia, Industry and Governmentsby Kyungsim Yeon(Ph.D, Pusan National University, Korea)
This presentation is to sketch out a tentative model of ASEAN Cyber University (ACU) for strengthening the quality and accessibility of higher education and providing e-Learning based courses responding to social and industrial needs in the ASEAN region.
This model highlights participatory development of the structure and substances (e.g. curricula, accreditations, registration) of ACU based on the joint efforts between Academia, Industry and Government in ASEAN and Korea. With the long-term vision and plan, this model can ignite the discussion and actions how to accomplish the educational vision and goal by innovative media and methodologies for boosting economic and social ecosystem tailored for the ASEAN region and people.
by Susan Elliott(Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President, Monash University, Australia)
The digital revolution has caused great disruption within our personal and professional lives, with millennials able to curate their lives in a way that was previously impossible.
The impact on education, particularly higher education, has been profound with students able to learn and achieve professional qualifications in many different formats.
The advent of online learning has opened short and full-degree courses to people previously poorly served by universities, such as those in full-time work, those with caring responsibilities at home, and those living in regional and remote locations.
by Nguyen Hoai Nam(Senior Officer, Ministry of Education and Training, VietNam)
Early 2017, the MoET submited to issue Decision No. 117/QD-TTg that is considered as a Master plan of applying ICT in education.
In this document, one of the targets set for higher education is to form some effective models of cyber university. In order to guide nessesary conditions for implementing online higher education, the first time the MoET guided in an official document about minimum conditions in which online education activities can be conducted effectively.
Especially, the new draft law of higher education is intended to regulate some conditions in which recognition of diplomas and credit exchange can be performed. With the prepration in related policies, online education in higher education is expected to grow strongly and support better for traditional training in Viet Nam.
by W.F.van Valkenburg(Manager, TU Delft, Netherlands)
According to Amara’s Law we tend to overestimate the impact of a new technology in the short run, but we underestimate it in the long run. This is also the case for MOOCs.
In this presentation Willem van Valkenburg will show the long run impact of MOOCs for Delft University of Technology and many other universities.