Use of Instructional Media for Teaching

About This Course
This course introduce of e-Learning thaht enables customized learning at any level, anytime, anywhere using ICT.
After completing this course, you will familiar with the following concepts and topics.
1. Use of Instructional Media for Teaching
2. Online Assessment
3. Communication Strategies for Teaching
4. Various Strategies for Teaching and Learning using ICT
5. Teahcning Strategies with OER and MOOC
6. Teahcning Strategies for PBL
Summary of This Course
[1] Use of Instructional Media for Teaching
#Media for Instruction #Communication medium #Dale's Cone of Experiences #ASSURE
[2] Understanding Online Assessment
#Online Assessment #Type of Online Assessement #Benefits of Onlie Assessement
[3] Communication Strategies for Teaching
#Communication Paradigm #Social Interaction #Innovative Learning Skill
[4] Teaching Strategies for Online and Blended Learning
#Educational Environment #Social Interaction #Innovative Learning Skill
[5] Teaching Strategies for Flipped Learning
#Traditional Pedagogy #Contemporary Pedagogy #21st Century Learning #Flipped Learning
[6] Teaching Strategies for Mobile Learning
#M-Learning #Characteristics of M-Learning #M-Leraning Activities
[7] Teaching Strategies with SNS
#Social media landscape #SNS #Concerns about the use of SNS in Education
[8] Teaching Strategies with Open Education Resource and Open Course Ware
#OER #Open Educational Resources #WEB2.0 #OCW #Open Course Ware
[9] Teaching Strategies with MOOC
#MOOC #Massive Open Online Course #MOOC Platform #Changed MOOC Trends
[10] Teaching Strategies for PBL
#PBL #Problems Based Learning #Design and Management of PBL #Exemplary Cases of PBL